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Jan 16, 2009
Schools in Canada
by: Anonymous

I know of a few schools in Canada that offer some forensic science degrees but I'm unsure which is the best as I really don't know.

There's always Laurentian University (, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (, University of Windsor (, Trent University ( and University of Toronto ( In British Columbia there's British Columbia Institute of Technology (

If you're looking to compare these universities or any Canadian university, I'm going to have to suggest School Finder ( Hope that all helps.

Sep 14, 2008
Forensic Science Degrees In Canada
by: Anonymous

In Canada there are very few schools that offer forensic science degrees with that said we don't offer forensic investigation degrees here. In order to work as a forensic investigator or CSI you usually have to become a police officer first then after a few years on the job you can go and do an apprenticeship .... anyways you can take forensic investigation in Australia.

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