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Jan 31, 2010
Personal experience
by: Forensics_Girl

Hi there.

I'm from the UK so have been through the GCSE and A-level route before completing my degree in Forensic Science.

For my GCSE's I took:
English Language
English Literature
Science Double Award
Religious Studies ( catholic school so was compulsory)
General Studies
Design and Technology: Food Technology ( again compulsory)

I then went on to take AS levels in:
English Literature
General Studies

and then my A2s were:
English Literature
General Studies

I also studied for extra qualifications during my a-levels and gained a certificate in Human Rights and a Diploma in Bioethics which I think cam in very useful in giving me an edge when applying for degree courses.

I applied to 6 universities to study forensics and got offers from each one.

You should also remind your daughter of the importance of extra-curricular activities as Forensics is very competitive. While I was in Secondary School I played for a number of sporting teams, I also represented my school in the annual All England Chemistry Quiz and in Science Olympiads. I attended a summer chemistry camp run by Salters (these are run annually and details can be found here I also set up and ran a science mentoring scheme in my school which lead to a teaching placement in Nepal with VSO, as well as being a prefect and Head Girl in my final year.

Your daughter will need a good degree to get into Forensics and universities look for well rounded individuals, not just those that excel academically.

I hope this helps and wish your daughter the best of luck in her future.
My daughter victoria is 14 and picking her options for GCSE this March. Could anybody please advise what GCSE's she should take to pursue a career in forensic science.

Jan 13, 2010
GCSE research

Hello. I am venessa from I did some research for you on GCSE options as I am from America and not familar with this system. I would be happy to share what it is like to work in Forensics and what it takes in America with you... here is what I found out...

Core subjects include:


Many schools also insist on students taking English Literature


(students can take a number of different 'routes'):

One GCSE: Science (which includes elements of biology, chemistry, and physics)
Two GCSEs: Science and Additional Science (a more academic course)
Two GCSEs: Science and Applied Science (a more vocational course)
Two GCSEs: Double Award Applied Science (a very vocational course)
Two GCSEs: Double Award (includes exams and coursework on all three sciences)
Up to three GCSEs: Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate GCSEs (known as a Triple Award)

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