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Dec 13, 2010
by: khanya

I have a national diploma in biomedical technology and im specialising in clinical pathology i.e. haematology,microbiology,chemical pathology. I am currently doing btech and working as an intern medical technologist in durban interested in studying forensics because i would like to become a medical detective...where can i study?

Sep 01, 2010
by: Shaun

Forensic pathology is a medical discipline that, in the main, combines medicine and the law. It deals with public helth and related issues.

I'm of the view that forensic pathologists are poorly remunerated for the type of work they do. Most doctors despise the idea of working with the deceased.

An interesting observation is the hype and expectation created by programmes like CSI and medical detectives. However, these programmes have and continue to market forensic medicine. Hence more people requests the services of a pathologists.

Young people should consider to join this thought provoking and growing field.

Aug 18, 2010
Forensic Pathology in South Africa
by: Anonymous

Forensic Pathologists are registered medical practitioners, SO, in order to become a forensic pathologist, you need an undergraduate MB BCh degree. After this you'll need to complete the necessary years (internship and community service) to be registered with the HPCSA as a medical practitioner.

There are several universities in SA who offer postgraduate training in Forensic Pathology. The post-grad training consists of 4-years at an accredited medical school/university through which you will receive training in histopathology, chemical pathology, microbiology, haematology and forensic pathology. There are two ways to get a post-grad degree - either through an examination through the College of Medicine of South Africa (Fellowship in Forensic Pathology) or through an MMed (Thesis).

Earnings are dependent on years experience and can range from about 400 000 to a million rands per year.

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