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May 03, 2010
DEA Forensic Chemist
by: Anonymous

In a very small nutshell:

A Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)forensic chemist is one who performs analyses of controlled (cocaine, heroin, oxycodone) substances, assists in clandestine laboratory seizures (methamphetamine/PCP/cocaine conversion, grow houses), testifies in court and performs and presents research.

A DEA forensic chemist regularly interfaces with special agents (DEA, ICE, FBI), AUSAs, local prosecutors, and state and local law enforcement. They also teach at the law enforcement facilities in Quantico, VA, and foreign deployment can also be an option.


Jan 05, 2010
your forensic question ...

A forensic chemist probably refers to a forenic toxicologist, which is someone that specalizes in drug or alcohol screening of samples.

A forensic serologist, such as myself, specalizes in body fluid analysis and DNA

A forensic criminalist is more of a generalist who can do crime scene reconstruction, fingerprints, as well as some of the specalities such as DNA or toxicology.

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