Comments for Forensic Chemist Vs Criminalist

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Sep 09, 2009
Forensic chemist - criminalist any difference?
by: Anonymous

Forensic science (criminalistics) is about individualising. A forensic chemist could simply be a chemist doing normal chemistry and is called to court to give evidence on that. As an example see Hadley & Fereday "Ensuring Competent Performance in Forensic practice" CRC press 2007. A chemist may give evidence that certain material is paint and maybe say it is vehicle paint a criminlaist (forensic scientist) tries to go further and to say that the material is paint from a particular model of motor vehicle and in some instances, through maybe a physical fit, that it arose from a particular vehicle.

A chemist who practices chemistry and is occasionally called to court is maybe not a forensic scientist (criminalist) An accountant may on occassions go to court on some branch of accountancy but here the term forensic accountant is reserved for an accountatnt who does nothing but forensic accountancy.

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