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Oct 04, 2010
by: Joshua

yes, in fact you CAN tell the difference between a right and left handed cut. The initial puncture of a left handed killer will be placed on the right side of the victims throat, with a directional pull toward the left side causing the right side to be deeper than the rest of the cut.

Sep 27, 2010
Yes, it is possible.
by: Saiko

There should be a clear entrance puncture where the knife enters the neck. If it is on the right side of the neck, then the murderer used his left hand to slit the throat, and the slit will be deeper on that side.

Apr 10, 2010
Left handed throat slashing
by: Anonymous

Yes, They can absolutely tell if the killer was left or right handed. If you use your right hand you will be slashing from left to right and the wound will be much deeper on the left side. The opposite is true for using your left hand.

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