Forensic Science BlogsAll of the excellent forensic science blogs showcased on this page provide access to well written and very well informed content relating to the wonderful world of forensics. Atalanta's Advent BlogCompelling blog analog of a former forensic Investigator. The author notes that the accounts are scientifically factual, but subjective insofar as they are told from the author's point of view and include a personal interpretation and reaction to each situation discussed. The blog addresses death investigation, forensic science, medicolegal issues, criminology and crime scene analysis. Please be aware that the author states that the blog is not recommended reading for anybody who finds graphic accounts of death upsetting. Click Here To Read Atalanta's Advent Blog. Forensic Computing BlogComprehensive blog about digital forensics, and related fields. Topics include the basics of digital investigations and misconceptions with information security. Click Here To Read The Forensic Computing Blog. Forensic News BlogGreat blog hosted by Dr Jason Linville and a group of fellow Forensic Science professionals who surf the web to find interesting news stories on forensic or forensic-like topics. The aim of the blog is to educate, entertain, and promote discussion among forensic scientists, students, and the general public. Click Here To Read The Forensic News Blog. Forensics TalkVery professional and engaging blog hosted by Kathleen Eckelt, a registered nurse with over 30 years of clinical nursing experience combined with paralegal, forensics, fraud and medicolegal death investigation training. Abuse/Neglect, Accident Investigation, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Science and Medicolegal Death Investigation are just a few of the categories of interest explored. Click Here To Read The Forensics Talk Blog. Psychology & Crime News BlogOne of the most professional and comprehensive blogs I have seen. The purpose of this blog is to collate information of interest in a forensic psychological context. Will be particularly useful for anybody looking for information relating to forensic theory and practice in the UK. Click Here To Read The Psychology and Crime News Blog.
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