Forensic Anthropology Links

Welcome to the forensic anthropology links section of the All About Forensic Science Website. For each forensic anthropology information resource featured below, a brief description will be given along with a direct website link.

American Board Of Forensic Anthropology

The objectives of the Board are: (a) to encourage the study of, improve the practice of, establish and enhance standards for, and advance the science of forensic anthropology; (b) to encourage and promote adherence to high standards of ethics, conduct, and professional practice in forensic anthropology; (c) to grant and issue certificates, and/or other recognition, in cognizance of special qualification in forensic anthropology to voluntary applicants who conform to the standards established by the Board and who have established their fitness and competence thereof; (d) to inform the appropriate branches of federal and state governments and private agencies of the existence and nature of the ABFA and the professional quality of its Diplomates for the practice of forensic anthropology; (e) to maintain and furnish lists of individuals who have been granted certificates by the Board.

In this way the ABFA aims to make available to the judicial system, and others, a practical and equitable system for readily identifying those persons professing to be specialists in forensic anthropology who possess the requisite qualifications and competence.

Click Here To Visit The American Board Of Forensic Anthropology Homepage.

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